Thursday, October 19, 2006

photo: Miranda July

There is finally light at the end of the midterm tunnel. Though I know I'll be back to 'chicken with head cut off ' mode soon, I find myself with at least a bit of free time in the next couple weeks. Hopefully I'll be able to accomplish the following things:

find a new coat/record needle/camera
fix the html on this page (help please!)
finish the painting I've neglected for weeks
get my student id

Is this begining to sound like a livejournal?

The Blow - True Affection

I discovered Miranda July (though I'm a little late) and this website a couple days ago thanks to Ed Templeton. He rules, it rules, and she rules too.

I'm the most reticent on the internet.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

photo: vanskap

Man, I'm so stoked on passing my communications test that I'm going to post another one of my favorite songs. I was totally going to ignore my blog duties for the week due to crazy amounts of midterms too. See folks, if I'm happy you win too!

The Velvet Underground - After Hours

I know, posting a Velvet Underground song is pretty weak. BUT, this will help for all of those wondering what familiar tune is being sung by Stephane in Michel Gondry's new joint The Science of Sleep. You know the one where he decides he's going to sing Stephanie a song. The lyrics are new but this is the tune. Problem solved. If you don't know what I'm talking about, that can only mean you haven't seen the film. So go see it, duh?

Next week= freedom again

Friday, October 06, 2006

photo: the clayton brothers

Finally, a band who's live show lives up to all the hype! I caught Beirut last night in Ottawa, and can safely say that it was the best show I've seen all year. Everything, from the entrance to the volume (they play loud!) was perfect. This band has everything they need to become all they've been hyped to be. I honestly wish all of you were there to see it. Even the opening act (Animal Hospital) was good, and he only played two songs.

Beirut- Elephant Gun
Kočani Orkestar - Šiki, šiki baba

Above are two of the more rare songs Beirut played last night. The first will be on an upcoming EP (pauvre Jason), and the second is the orginal version of a song I recognized thanks to the Zac Condon guest spot on StG.

If you live in Ottawa, then you know that thanks to Pop Montreal, there is a smorgasbord of shows to pick from for the long weekend. Last night was Beirut. Tonight it's Akron/Family and Born Ruffians, and of course Dev79 at Diso. Tommorow you have a choice of seeing Hyzologists at Barrymore's or heading to Zaphod's to catch Cadence Weapon and Tokyo Police Club. Sunday's got The Hold Steady and to top it all off; Monday's the New Pornographers at Capital City Music Hall.

Don't you forget the fact that The Science of Sleep opened today at the Bytown. I'm not going to link all of those but feel free to check Punk Ottawa or Google.

It's almost [but still not quite] enough to get my friends out of Orleans. Bitter much?

Girl in Crowd: Spray us with your spit valves.
Guy in Beirut (sprays valve): That's like a band geek's wet dream!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Photo: Chris Johanson (realplayer) care of Kavi Gupta Gallery

No more promises. I'll post when I post, and the songs will be up for a week there after. Deal?

I went to see Julie Doiron last night. She was wonderful as usual. I enjoyed myself very much despite being exhausted in the most scholarly way. This song stood out, not only because it's a fantastic sappy (no pun intended) little diddy, not even because it's my favorite Julie Doiron song. I enjoyed this song the best because it rings true for more than just one [lost]friendship right now.

Julie Doiron- Me and My Friend (myspace link)

Since I'm feeling generous, I might as well unload some other gems on you, my faithful audience of tens. This one comes straight from
Music for Robots. Mountaineer is the best band name I've heard in a while. Indie kids take note: it's only ONE word. The song's pretty good too.

Moutaineer - A Town Called Ivanhoe (yousendit)

If you've noticed that the text on this page is a bit elementary, you're absolutely right. Until anyone steps up to edit this shit for me it's going to stay that way. I really don't know how you hardcore bloggers find the time to write daily essays.

Vans (Till Infinity Diplo Remix) - The Pack (yousendit)

While I know I'm throwing any attempt at cohesion out the window, this just sounds so damn good. Leave it to Diplo.

Now that I'm found, I miss being lost.