Wednesday, December 06, 2006

photo: Filippo Minelli

note: after a couple hours of learning html the new layout is complete[-ish].

Every Thursday night from 12 until 2ish on CHUO for about... shit, 10 weeks in 2005, you could here Jon (Braap!!) and I fumbling through playlists on a program called The Fresh Syndrome. If you happened to have your dial set to 89.1, you would have heard everything from everything from first wave Baile Funk, Hip Hop, Lo-Fi and IDM to anything in between. The playlists were tight, and more than made up for our lack of on air experience. To [loosely] quote Dose One, "It was what it was and when it was what it was it just was..."

I'm bringing this up only because I stumbled upon this song today and felt instantly notsalgic. I discovered Scarf Face thanks to this post on the blog that also introduced me to Jaga Jazzist and Mice Parade. I think we played it on our very first real show and I remember feeling like something new, something big was happening.

Scarf Face - Lonesome

I guess Scarf Face, though still relatively unknown, has signed a deal with Cook Shop, so more can be expected soon. In the meantime check out his Myspace and the amazing (!) Audio Aubergine for more tracks. Since I can't just mention Audio Aubergine without leaving a little sample, here you go:

Greg Scrase - Fairfield

Seriously download everything off of that site. Everything.

I used to be so fancy free.


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